create your own personalized map of the USA
San Diego-
Sometimes I get stuck in hotel rooms that are designed for handicapped people. This one had everything tweaked for the disabled, the doorbell that triggered the strobe light and shreiking alarm, the lowered sink, bars around the toilet and even a chair in the shower. This time I figured, “when in Rome,” and proceeded to try and live like a quadrapeligac, at least tend to bath duties as one. I crawled into the bathroom and onto the chair in the middle of the tub, then I yelled out, trying to summon my imaginary manservant, Javier, to no avail. I elected to do it myself and nearly drowned when I tried to avoid using my arms to wash myself. All in all it was a messy and annoying experiment, and I learned one valuable thing about disabled people: don’t try and pretend to be disabled.
The Gaslamp area was hopping tonight, but I didn't feel like going out by myself. I decided to stay in and do things that will help progress the future of society.
Sometimes I get stuck in hotel rooms that are designed for handicapped people. This one had everything tweaked for the disabled, the doorbell that triggered the strobe light and shreiking alarm, the lowered sink, bars around the toilet and even a chair in the shower. This time I figured, “when in Rome,” and proceeded to try and live like a quadrapeligac, at least tend to bath duties as one. I crawled into the bathroom and onto the chair in the middle of the tub, then I yelled out, trying to summon my imaginary manservant, Javier, to no avail. I elected to do it myself and nearly drowned when I tried to avoid using my arms to wash myself. All in all it was a messy and annoying experiment, and I learned one valuable thing about disabled people: don’t try and pretend to be disabled.
The Gaslamp area was hopping tonight, but I didn't feel like going out by myself. I decided to stay in and do things that will help progress the future of society.