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The Land of Cleves
Nothing against Cleveland, but this horrible nordic wasteland has not stopped snowing in 5 days. Yesterday, I had a "free" day and went to the Cleveland Museum of Art. It began well as I found a 10-dollar bill in the parking lot, then discovered that the museum itself was free to visit. I spent the next three hours viewing the Classical, and medieval art, which included a rather large array of 16-18th century swords, guns, and armor. I looked down the barrel of Napoleon's shotgun.
In my hasty leave of the museum, I realized it contained a considerable amount of Modern and Contemporary Art, which I prefer, but hadn't the time to spend time with. One thing I noticed with the Classical art is that portraits of both men and women in their 30s, they appeared closer to their 50s. Did they just lead harder lives or has my non-lead-based mosturizer done the trick?
In my hasty leave of the museum, I realized it contained a considerable amount of Modern and Contemporary Art, which I prefer, but hadn't the time to spend time with. One thing I noticed with the Classical art is that portraits of both men and women in their 30s, they appeared closer to their 50s. Did they just lead harder lives or has my non-lead-based mosturizer done the trick?