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Flying the Unfriendly Skies 

Originally, I titled this post with the more appropriate, "Flying the Fiendly Skies," but fiendly is not really a word, so I decided to go with the oft cliched play on the ole' United Airlines slogan. Either way, you get the same point, so enough of that.

Anyway, I've been thinking more about life recently, generally and specifically, and realized I hadn't added anything to this space in nearly four years and was surprised the page still existed. It wasn't for lack of potentially amusing and/or interesting anecdotes to report, but I suppose, a desire to NOT have a living reminder of the, more often, unamusing, uninteresting, emotionally damaging exploits of my traveling being. Yes, I remain on the road as much as ever, however, reading over those long-ago posts, I found myself with a smile and chuckle or two. So, friends, I would be honored should you choose to continue following me on this most random journey. Here we go...

When entering an airport these days, it takes only a moment to notice how far gone the elegance and prestige air travel once held – when planes were filled with an elite cadre of well-dressed, wise and worldly people. Gentlemen and ladies if you will. These days, the scene is more akin to a high school hallway between periods with noisy travelers dressed in pajamas rushing to and fro, oblivious to others. At the gate, the simplest requests or information from airline personnel is ignored as people crowd and shove to board what amounts to a Greyhound bus with wings. No one is immune from this barbaric de-evolution of etiquette. Take first class, the mythological sanctum of frequent business fliers and well-monied folks; there you can still find shoes removed – even naked, unkempt hooves in Summer, with basic rules of decorum and civility taught from Kindergarten, ignored. One last thing at the risk of sounding like a total grumpy misanthrope. Please, for all that is holy, children, especially babies of the crying variety, should not be allowed into First or Business class. We have enough troubles and issues with our own neglected families to have to see, smell, listen, to yours.

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